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Writer's pictureTejas Rajkumar

Understanding JSX in React JS: The Power of Declarative Syntax


In the world of modern web development, React JS has emerged as a popular and powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. One of the key features that sets React apart is its use of JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension that allows developers to write HTML-like code within their JavaScript code. In this blog, we will explore the concept of JSX in React JS, understand its benefits, and see how it simplifies the development process.

What is JSX?

JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript code. It provides a way to describe the structure and appearance of your React components in a declarative manner. Instead of using separate files for HTML and JavaScript, JSX combines them into a single file, making it easier to understand and maintain your code.

Why use JSX?

1. Declarative Syntax: JSX enables developers to express the structure and behavior of UI components in a declarative way. With JSX, you can describe what your UI should look like, and React takes care of updating the actual DOM efficiently.

2. Familiar HTML-like Syntax: If you are already familiar with HTML, you'll find JSX syntax to be intuitive and easy to learn. It allows you to write HTML tags, attributes, and nested elements, just like you would in regular HTML.

3. Integration of JavaScript Expressions: JSX seamlessly integrates JavaScript expressions, allowing you to embed dynamic data, variables, and expressions directly within your components. This makes it easy to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

4. Static Type Checking: JSX works well with static type checking tools like TypeScript and Flow. By using static types, you can catch errors and enforce correct prop types, reducing the chances of runtime errors.

How JSX Works

Under the hood, JSX gets transformed into regular JavaScript code. Browsers don't understand JSX directly, so it needs to be transpiled before it can be executed. This is typically done using a tool like Babel, which converts JSX into function calls that create React elements.

Here's an example to illustrate how JSX translates to JavaScript:


const element = <h1>Hello, JSX!</h1>;

Transpiled JavaScript:

const element = React.createElement("h1", null, "Hello, JSX!");

In the transpiled code, `React.createElement` is called with the tag name, attributes, and content as arguments. It returns a JavaScript object representing the JSX element, which can then be rendered by React.

Using JSX in React Components

To use JSX in your React components, you need to follow a few conventions:

1. Import React: In every file that contains JSX code, you must import the React library. This is necessary because JSX elements are transformed into React elements.

2. One Root Element: JSX requires a single root element, meaning that you can't have adjacent sibling elements at the top level. Wrapping the elements in a container element solves this problem.

3. Class vs. className: In HTML, we use the `class` attribute to define CSS classes. In JSX, you need to use `className` instead, as `class` is a reserved keyword in JavaScript.

4. Self-Closing Tags: For tags without children, you can use self-closing tags in JSX, similar to HTML.


JSX is a powerful and expressive syntax extension that brings the best of HTML and JavaScript together within React JS. It provides a declarative way to describe the structure and appearance of UI components, making it easier to build complex user interfaces. By leveraging JSX, developers can create dynamic and interactive web applications efficiently. So, embrace the power of JSX and unlock the full potential of React JS in your next project!. Remember, while JSX is not a requirement for using React, it has become the de facto standard due to its simplicity and ease of use.

Happy coding!


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